We help businesses manage today and transform tomorrow

Basic Strategy

The basic strategy of Data Communication Systems is the differentiation and the technologically innovative proposal to wards
its customers. Its main focus is to create business – customer value to consumers.

The company has the necessary expertise, as
the board members have the experience and expertise in the industry of Internet Technologies, not only in information and communication technologies (ICT) but in sales and marketing too, after years working in this area.

  • Technology Solutions 45% 45%
  • Business Software 35% 35%
  • Digital Marketing 20% 20%
  • Customer Happiness 90% 90%

Our brand Bluenetwork

Smart marketing is the key to a successful business. Innovative solutions to broadcast commercials via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Visual sensitive systems.

Social WiFi

ffffHarness the Power of  Social WiFi with all the advantages of Viral Marketing. Achieve now easy and direct communication and marketing, through the solution of Proximity Marketing.

Problem Solvers

Curabitur quis dui volutpat, cursus eros elut commodo elit cum sociis natoque penatibus

Customer Support

Curabitur quis dui volutpat, cursus eros elut commodo elit cum sociis natoque penatibus

News - Blog

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Data Communication Systems >>

By in our online store with
Secure payment systems.

Our company profile

Our perfect for 23 years presence,
both domestically and in foreign markets, highlights the high level of cooperation
initiated by our company with its partners.


Get in touch. We’re here to help.

We, the people of DCS, having as a goal to deliver an excellent customer service for you, are at your disposal for any information, inquiry or comment regarding our products and services.